
  • What are Acupuncture Points?


    “The center of the universe is underneath the tip of your needle, and it is communicating with the point.” Koei Kuwahara People often ask me, “What is an acupuncture point?” Another great question is, “How would you describe these acupuncture points?” In my experience and training in Japan, I came to realize blind acupuncturists know […]



    Ponder the image of the Hourglass Nebula, it is provided to us from deep space by the Hubble telescope. This particular image has greater meaning to me than just a beautiful picture from space, for it contains deeper mysteries and spiritual teachings that I must share with you. The first time I saw this image […]

  • The Metal Element


    The Lung and Large Intestine Acupuncture Meridians are responsible for the regulation of the spirit of the Metal Element in our lives. The Metal Element will initiate you into some great spiritual lessons on letting go indeed. Spiritually the consciousness and energy of the Metal Element is about “letting go” of whatever is no longer […]