Up and Down Flow in San Ti


I remember when my teacher was instructing me in the appropriate way to open Ren 1 based on the position of your knees, inguinal region, and tailbone. You had to really work to find deeper levels within San Ti Posture to find the happy medium of structure between opening the knees and up to the perineum. When you found the perfect medium of balance and open channels through structural adjustments, both Du 1 and Ren 1 acupuncture points opened energetically and created an awesome sensation of total body energy phenomena!

After Ren 1 and Du 1 opened, a fishbowl sensation begins to reveal itself in feel and shape within your energy structure. This fish bowl the pulls the energy down through Du 20 and the central channels, and allows it to be stored in the lower Tan Tien. As time persists in San Ti Posture, Du 20 further opens and allows for a profound realization of an upper polarity in communication with the cosmos. Euphoria, happy hormones, and a real high of endorphins you cannot imagine flow through you. You become aware that there is now an up and down energy flow being felt through your nervous system in San Ti Posture.

The ego will tell you, I am really getting it now, and your teacher will come along to test your structure, and you the bliss fairy will crumble and lose your structure. Score: Master 1 Your Ego 0. You have only begun to open the root, it takes years to keep learning to strengthen yourself and build a strong root. It is not easy to demonstrate strong root so quickly, you have to do your work dissolving your energy blockages, and you have to be persistent in your practice. You have to want this gift as bad as you need air to breathe. To go through life you need a strong root, or it’s not gonna be so easy when the storms of life come. To go through life with a strong root, it’s just such an awesome spiritual gift to have at your advantage. People who have no root, well you can just imagine what kind of person they will act like. They just emotionally crumble, like a sapling being pulled up by the roots they don’t last long in this world. Whether addiction, tragic accident, divorce, cancer diagnosis, infidelity, or tragedy of any kind comes your way, it has been demonstrated to me over and over again that the strong spiritual root of a person is what enables them to evolve and move forward in life. I have witnessed what happens when others fail to keep going forward in their life while broken emotionally. I witnessed my step mother commit suicide when I was 18 years old, and I can tell you that her life was one long tragedy from beginning to end. She was her own worst enemy, and my teachers have explained to me that she had no root.

You should contemplate the benefits of spiritually having a stronger root that is integrated psychologically, and then demonstrated through body structure. San Ti is a gateway to those qualities for me. I am happy to share what little I know, and look forward to San Ti teaching me more to share about the mysteries of polarity and this up and down flow. You can imagine why the ancients called it between Heaven and Earth. San Ti Posture opens more energy blockages from top to bottom, and I look forward to describing more in the future.

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